Cicu::Char16Ptr | Char16_t * wrapper with implicit conversion from distinct but bit-compatible pointer types |
Cicu::ConstChar16Ptr | Const char16_t * wrapper with implicit conversion from distinct but bit-compatible pointer types |
►Cicu::FormattedValue | An abstract formatted value: a string with associated field attributes |
Cicu::FormattedDateInterval | An immutable class containing the result of a date interval formatting operation |
Cicu::FormattedList | An immutable class containing the result of a list formatting operation |
Cicu::FormattedRelativeDateTime | An immutable class containing the result of a relative datetime formatting operation |
Cicu::number::FormattedNumber | The result of a number formatting operation |
Cicu::number::FormattedNumberRange | The result of a number range formatting operation |
Cicu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings | |
Cicu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings | |
►Cicu::Locale::Iterator | A Locale iterator interface similar to a Java Iterator<Locale> |
Cicu::Locale::ConvertingIterator< Iter, Conv > | A generic Locale iterator implementation over Locale input iterators |
Cicu::Locale::RangeIterator< Iter > | A generic Locale iterator implementation over Locale input iterators |
►Cicu::LocalPointerBase< T > | "Smart pointer" base class; do not use directly: use LocalPointer etc |
Cicu::LocalArray< T > | "Smart pointer" class, deletes objects via the C++ array delete[] operator |
Cicu::LocalPointer< T > | "Smart pointer" class, deletes objects via the standard C++ delete operator |
CLocalUBiDiPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UBiDi via ubidi_close() |
CLocalUBiDiTransformPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UBiDiTransform via ubiditransform_close() |
CLocalUBreakIteratorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UBreakIterator via ubrk_close() |
CLocalUCalendarPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCalendar via ucal_close() |
CLocalUCaseMapPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCaseMap via ucasemap_close() |
CLocalUCharsetDetectorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCharsetDetector via ucsdet_close() |
CLocalUCollatorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCollator via ucol_close() |
CLocalUConstrainedFieldPositionPointer | "Smart pointer" class; closes a UConstrainedFieldPosition via ucfpos_close() |
CLocalUConverterPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UConverter via ucnv_close() |
CLocalUConverterSelectorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UConverterSelector via ucnvsel_close() |
CLocalUCPTriePointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UCPTrie via ucptrie_close() |
CLocalUDataMemoryPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDataMemory via udata_close() |
CLocalUDateFormatPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDateFormat via udat_close() |
CLocalUDateIntervalFormatPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDateIntervalFormat via udtitvfmt_close() |
CLocalUDateTimePatternGeneratorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UDateTimePatternGenerator via udatpg_close() |
CLocalUEnumerationPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UEnumeration via uenum_close() |
CLocalUFieldPositionIteratorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFieldPositionIterator via ufieldpositer_close() |
CLocalUFILEPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFILE via u_fclose() |
CLocalUFormattablePointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattable via ufmt_close() |
CLocalUFormattedDateIntervalPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattedDateInterval via udtitvfmt_close() |
CLocalUFormattedListPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattedList via ulistfmt_closeResult() |
CLocalUFormattedNumberPointer | "Smart pointer" class; closes a UFormattedNumber via unumf_closeResult() |
CLocalUFormattedRelativeDateTimePointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFormattedRelativeDateTime via ureldatefmt_closeResult() |
CLocalUIDNAPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UIDNA via uidna_close() |
CLocalUListFormatterPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UListFormatter via ulistfmt_close() |
CLocalULocaleDataPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a ULocaleData via ulocdata_close() |
CLocalULocaleDisplayNamesPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a ULocaleDisplayNames via uldn_close() |
CLocalUMessageFormatPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UMessageFormat via umsg_close() |
CLocalUMutableCPTriePointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UMutableCPTrie via umutablecptrie_close() |
CLocalUNormalizer2Pointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UNormalizer2 via unorm2_close() |
CLocalUNumberFormatPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UNumberFormat via unum_close() |
CLocalUNumberFormatterPointer | "Smart pointer" class; closes a UNumberFormatter via unumf_close() |
CLocalUNumberingSystemPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UNumberingSystem via unumsys_close() |
CLocalUPluralRulesPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UPluralRules via uplrules_close() |
CLocalURegularExpressionPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a URegularExpression via uregex_close() |
CLocalURelativeDateTimeFormatterPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a URelativeDateTimeFormatter via ureldatefmt_close() |
CLocalUResourceBundlePointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UResourceBundle via ures_close() |
CLocalUSetPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a USet via uset_close() |
CLocalUSpoofCheckerPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a USpoofChecker via uspoof_close() |
CLocalUSpoofCheckResultPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a USpoofCheckResult via uspoof_closeCheckResult() |
CLocalUStringPrepProfilePointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UStringPrepProfile via usprep_close() |
CLocalUStringSearchPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UStringSearch via usearch_close() |
CLocalUTextPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UText via utext_close() |
CLocalUTransliteratorPointer | "Smart pointer" class, closes a UTransliterator via utrans_close() |
Cicu::number::NumberFormatter | See the main description in numberformatter.h for documentation and examples |
►Cicu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived > | An abstract base class for specifying settings related to number formatting |
Cicu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter | A NumberFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .format() methods are available |
Cicu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter | A NumberFormatter that does not yet have a locale |
Cicu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< LocalizedNumberFormatter > | |
Cicu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< UnlocalizedNumberFormatter > | |
Cicu::number::NumberRangeFormatter | See the main description in numberrangeformatter.h for documentation and examples |
►Cicu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived > | An abstract base class for specifying settings related to number formatting |
Cicu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | A NumberRangeFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .formatRange() methods are available |
Cicu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | A NumberRangeFormatter that does not yet have a locale |
Cicu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter > | |
Cicu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter > | |
Cicu::number::Notation::NotationUnion::ScientificSettings | |
►CStringTrieBuilder | |
Cicu::BytesTrieBuilder | Builder class for BytesTrie |
Cicu::UCharsTrieBuilder | Builder class for UCharsTrie |
Cicu::SymbolTable | An interface that defines both lookup protocol and parsing of symbolic names |
Cicu::Transliterator::Token | A context integer or pointer for a factory function, passed by value |
CUCharIterator | C API for code unit iteration |
CUConverterFromUnicodeArgs | The structure for the fromUnicode callback function parameter |
CUConverterToUnicodeArgs | The structure for the toUnicode callback function parameter |
CUCPTrie | Immutable Unicode code point trie structure |
CUDataInfo | UDataInfo contains the properties about the requested data |
CUFieldPosition | A struct representing a range of text containing a specific field |
CUIDNAInfo | Output container for IDNA processing errors |
►Cicu::UMemory | UMemory is the common ICU base class |
►Cicu::ByteSink | A ByteSink can be filled with bytes |
Cicu::CheckedArrayByteSink | Implementation of ByteSink that writes to a flat byte array, with bounds-checking: This sink will not write more than capacity bytes to outbuf |
Cicu::StringByteSink< StringClass > | Implementation of ByteSink that writes to a "string" |
Cicu::BytesTrie | Light-weight, non-const reader class for a BytesTrie |
Cicu::BytesTrie::Iterator | Iterator for all of the (byte sequence, value) pairs in a BytesTrie |
Cicu::BytesTrie::State | BytesTrie state object, for saving a trie's current state and resetting the trie back to this state later |
Cicu::CaseMap | Low-level C++ case mapping functions |
Cicu::ConstrainedFieldPosition | Represents a span of a string containing a given field |
Cicu::Edits | Records lengths of string edits but not replacement text |
Cicu::Edits::Iterator | Access to the list of edits |
Cicu::ErrorCode | Wrapper class for UErrorCode, with conversion operators for direct use in ICU C and C++ APIs |
Cicu::FormattedDateInterval | An immutable class containing the result of a date interval formatting operation |
Cicu::FormattedList | An immutable class containing the result of a list formatting operation |
Cicu::FormattedRelativeDateTime | An immutable class containing the result of a relative datetime formatting operation |
Cicu::IDNAInfo | Output container for IDNA processing errors |
Cicu::Locale::ConvertingIterator< Iter, Conv > | A generic Locale iterator implementation over Locale input iterators |
Cicu::Locale::RangeIterator< Iter > | A generic Locale iterator implementation over Locale input iterators |
Cicu::LocaleMatcher | Immutable class that picks the best match between a user's desired locales and an application's supported locales |
Cicu::LocaleMatcher::Builder | LocaleMatcher builder |
Cicu::LocaleMatcher::Result | Data for the best-matching pair of a desired and a supported locale |
Cicu::MessagePattern::Part | A message pattern "part", representing a pattern parsing event |
Cicu::number::FormattedNumber | The result of a number formatting operation |
Cicu::number::FormattedNumberRange | The result of a number range formatting operation |
Cicu::number::impl::Grouper | |
Cicu::number::impl::MacroProps | |
Cicu::number::impl::Padder | |
Cicu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps | |
Cicu::number::impl::SymbolsWrapper | |
Cicu::number::IntegerWidth | A class that defines the strategy for padding and truncating integers before the decimal separator |
Cicu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter | A NumberFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .format() methods are available |
Cicu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | A NumberRangeFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .formatRange() methods are available |
►Cicu::number::Notation | A class that defines the notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter |
Cicu::number::ScientificNotation | A class that defines the scientific notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter |
►Cicu::number::Precision | A class that defines the rounding precision to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter |
Cicu::number::CurrencyPrecision | A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a currency to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter |
Cicu::number::FractionPrecision | A class that defines a rounding precision based on a number of fraction places and optionally significant digits to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter |
Cicu::number::IncrementPrecision | A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a rounding increment to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter |
Cicu::number::Scale | A class that defines a quantity by which a number should be multiplied when formatting |
Cicu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter | A NumberFormatter that does not yet have a locale |
Cicu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | A NumberRangeFormatter that does not yet have a locale |
Cicu::SimpleFormatter | Formats simple patterns like "{1} was born in {0}" |
Cicu::StringPiece | A string-like object that points to a sized piece of memory |
Cicu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection | MatchInfoCollection represents a collection of time zone name matches used by TimeZoneNames#find |
Cicu::UCharsTrie | Light-weight, non-const reader class for a UCharsTrie |
Cicu::UCharsTrie::Iterator | Iterator for all of the (string, value) pairs in a UCharsTrie |
Cicu::UCharsTrie::State | UCharsTrie state object, for saving a trie's current state and resetting the trie back to this state later |
►Cicu::UObject | UObject is the common ICU "boilerplate" class |
Cicu::AlphabeticIndex | AlphabeticIndex supports the creation of a UI index appropriate for a given language |
Cicu::AlphabeticIndex::Bucket | An index "bucket" with a label string and type |
Cicu::AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex | Immutable, thread-safe version of AlphabeticIndex |
►Cicu::Appendable | Base class for objects to which Unicode characters and strings can be appended |
Cicu::UnicodeStringAppendable | An Appendable implementation which writes to a UnicodeString |
►Cicu::BreakIterator | Implements methods for finding the location of boundaries in text |
Cicu::RuleBasedBreakIterator | A subclass of BreakIterator whose behavior is specified using a list of rules |
►Cicu::Calendar | Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a UDate object and a set of integer fields such as YEAR , MONTH , DAY , HOUR , and so on |
Cicu::GregorianCalendar | Concrete class which provides the standard calendar used by most of the world |
Cicu::CanonicalIterator | This class allows one to iterate through all the strings that are canonically equivalent to a given string |
Cicu::CollationElementIterator | Used as an iterator to walk through each character of an international string |
Cicu::CollationKey | Collation keys are generated by the Collator class |
►Cicu::Collator | The Collator class performs locale-sensitive string comparison |
Cicu::RuleBasedCollator | Implementation of Collator, using data-driven tables |
Cicu::CollatorFactory | A factory, used with registerFactory, the creates multiple collators and provides display names for them |
Cicu::CurrencyPluralInfo | This class represents the information needed by DecimalFormat to format currency plural, such as "3.00 US dollars" or "1.00 US dollar" |
Cicu::DateFormatSymbols | DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time formatting data – including timezone data |
Cicu::DateInterval | This class represents a date interval |
Cicu::DateIntervalInfo | DateIntervalInfo is a public class for encapsulating localizable date time interval patterns |
Cicu::DateTimePatternGenerator | This class provides flexible generation of date format patterns, like "yy-MM-dd" |
Cicu::DateTimeRule | DateTimeRule is a class representing a time in a year by a rule specified by month, day of month, day of week and time in the day |
Cicu::DecimalFormatSymbols | This class represents the set of symbols needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers |
Cicu::FieldPosition | FieldPosition is a simple class used by Format and its subclasses to identify fields in formatted output |
Cicu::FieldPositionIterator | FieldPositionIterator returns the field ids and their start/limit positions generated by a call to Format::format |
Cicu::FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder | The BreakIteratorFilter is used to modify the behavior of a BreakIterator by constructing a new BreakIterator which suppresses certain segment boundaries |
►Cicu::Format | Base class for all formats |
►Cicu::DateFormat | DateFormat is an abstract class for a family of classes that convert dates and times from their internal representations to textual form and back again in a language-independent manner |
Cicu::SimpleDateFormat | SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a language-independent manner |
Cicu::DateIntervalFormat | DateIntervalFormat is a class for formatting and parsing date intervals in a language-independent manner |
►Cicu::MeasureFormat | |
Cicu::TimeUnitFormat | Format or parse a TimeUnitAmount, using plural rules for the units where available |
Cicu::MessageFormat | |
►Cicu::NumberFormat | |
Cicu::ChoiceFormat | ChoiceFormat converts between ranges of numeric values and strings for those ranges |
►Cicu::DecimalFormat | IMPORTANT: New users are strongly encouraged to see if numberformatter.h fits their use case |
Cicu::CompactDecimalFormat | IMPORTANT: New users are strongly encouraged to see if numberformatter.h fits their use case |
Cicu::RuleBasedNumberFormat | Formats numbers according to a set of rules |
Cicu::PluralFormat | |
Cicu::SelectFormat | |
Cicu::TimeZoneFormat | TimeZoneFormat supports time zone display name formatting and parsing |
Cicu::Formattable | Formattable objects can be passed to the Format class or its subclasses for formatting |
►Cicu::ForwardCharacterIterator | Abstract class that defines an API for forward-only iteration on text objects |
►Cicu::CharacterIterator | Abstract class that defines an API for iteration on text objects |
►Cicu::UCharCharacterIterator | A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the characters (code units or code points) in a char16_t array |
Cicu::StringCharacterIterator | A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the characters (code units or code points) in a UnicodeString |
Cicu::GenderInfo | GenderInfo computes the gender of a list as a whole given the gender of each element |
Cicu::IDNA | Abstract base class for IDNA processing |
Cicu::ListFormatter | An immutable class for formatting a list, using data from CLDR (or supplied separately) |
Cicu::Locale | A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region |
Cicu::LocaleBuilder | LocaleBuilder is used to build instances of Locale from values configured by the setters |
Cicu::LocaleDisplayNames | Returns display names of Locales and components of Locales |
►Cicu::Measure | An amount of a specified unit, consisting of a number and a Unit |
Cicu::CurrencyAmount | A currency together with a numeric amount, such as 200 USD |
Cicu::TimeUnitAmount | Express a duration as a time unit and number |
►Cicu::MeasureUnit | A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc |
Cicu::CurrencyUnit | A unit of currency, such as USD (U.S |
Cicu::NoUnit | Dimensionless unit for percent and permille |
Cicu::TimeUnit | Measurement unit for time units |
Cicu::MessagePattern | Parses and represents ICU MessageFormat patterns |
Cicu::Normalizer | Old Unicode normalization API |
►Cicu::Normalizer2 | Unicode normalization functionality for standard Unicode normalization or for using custom mapping tables |
Cicu::FilteredNormalizer2 | Normalization filtered by a UnicodeSet |
►Cicu::NumberFormatFactory | A NumberFormatFactory is used to register new number formats |
Cicu::SimpleNumberFormatFactory | A NumberFormatFactory that supports a single locale |
Cicu::NumberingSystem | Defines numbering systems |
Cicu::ParagraphLayout | ParagraphLayout |
Cicu::ParagraphLayout::Line | This class represents a single line of text in a ParagraphLayout |
Cicu::ParagraphLayout::VisualRun | This object represents a single visual run in a line of text in a paragraph |
Cicu::ParsePosition | ParsePosition is a simple class used by Format and its subclasses to keep track of the current position during parsing |
Cicu::PluralRules | Defines rules for mapping non-negative numeric values onto a small set of keywords |
Cicu::RegexMatcher | Class RegexMatcher bundles together a regular expression pattern and input text to which the expression can be applied |
Cicu::RegexPattern | Class RegexPattern represents a compiled regular expression |
Cicu::Region | Region is the class representing a Unicode Region Code, also known as a Unicode Region Subtag, which is defined based upon the BCP 47 standard |
Cicu::RelativeDateTimeFormatter | Formats simple relative dates |
►Cicu::Replaceable | Replaceable is an abstract base class representing a string of characters that supports the replacement of a range of itself with a new string of characters |
Cicu::UnicodeString | UnicodeString is a string class that stores Unicode characters directly and provides similar functionality as the Java String and StringBuffer/StringBuilder classes |
Cicu::ResourceBundle | A class representing a collection of resource information pertaining to a given locale |
►Cicu::RunArray | The RunArray class is a base class for building classes which represent data that is associated with runs of text |
Cicu::FontRuns | The FontRuns class associates pointers to LEFontInstance objects with runs of text |
Cicu::LocaleRuns | The LocaleRuns class associates pointers to Locale objects with runs of text |
Cicu::ValueRuns | The ValueRuns class associates integer values with runs of text |
Cicu::ScientificNumberFormatter | A formatter that formats numbers in user-friendly scientific notation |
►Cicu::SearchIterator | SearchIterator is an abstract base class that provides methods to search for a pattern within a text string |
Cicu::StringSearch | StringSearch is a SearchIterator that provides language-sensitive text searching based on the comparison rules defined in a RuleBasedCollator object |
Cicu::StringEnumeration | Base class for 'pure' C++ implementations of uenum api |
►Cicu::TimeZone | TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings |
►Cicu::BasicTimeZone | BasicTimeZone is an abstract class extending TimeZone |
Cicu::RuleBasedTimeZone | BasicTimeZone subclass implemented in terms of InitialTimeZoneRule and TimeZoneRule instances |
Cicu::SimpleTimeZone | SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar |
Cicu::VTimeZone | VTimeZone is a class implementing RFC2445 VTIMEZONE |
Cicu::TimeZoneNames | TimeZoneNames is an abstract class representing the time zone display name data model defined by UTS#35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) |
►Cicu::TimeZoneRule | TimeZoneRule is a class representing a rule for time zone |
Cicu::AnnualTimeZoneRule | AnnualTimeZoneRule is a class used for representing a time zone rule which takes effect annually |
Cicu::InitialTimeZoneRule | InitialTimeZoneRule represents a time zone rule representing a time zone effective from the beginning and has no actual start times |
Cicu::TimeArrayTimeZoneRule | TimeArrayTimeZoneRule represents a time zone rule whose start times are defined by an array of milliseconds since the standard base time |
Cicu::TimeZoneTransition | TimeZoneTransition is a class representing a time zone transition |
Cicu::Transliterator | Transliterator is an abstract class that transliterates text from one format to another |
►Cicu::UnicodeFunctor | UnicodeFunctor is an abstract base class for objects that perform match and/or replace operations on Unicode strings |
►Cicu::UnicodeFilter | UnicodeFilter defines a protocol for selecting a subset of the full range (U+0000 to U+10FFFF) of Unicode characters |
Cicu::UnicodeSet | A mutable set of Unicode characters and multicharacter strings |
Cicu::UnicodeSetIterator | UnicodeSetIterator iterates over the contents of a UnicodeSet |
►Cicu::UnicodeMatcher | UnicodeMatcher defines a protocol for objects that can match a range of characters in a Replaceable string |
Cicu::UnicodeFilter | UnicodeFilter defines a protocol for selecting a subset of the full range (U+0000 to U+10FFFF) of Unicode characters |
Cicu::UnicodeReplacer | UnicodeReplacer defines a protocol for objects that replace a range of characters in a Replaceable string with output text |
CUParseError | A UParseError struct is used to returned detailed information about parsing errors |
CUReplaceableCallbacks | A set of function pointers that transliterators use to manipulate a UReplaceable |
CUSerializedSet | A serialized form of a Unicode set |
CUText | UText struct |
CUTextFuncs | (public) Function dispatch table for UText |
CUTransPosition | Position structure for utrans_transIncremental() incremental transliteration |